Custom Inflatable tent and pool bubble cover---XiangHe
HOME PRODUCT Decontamination tent Inflatable Military Army Medical Tent


Inflatable Military Army Medical Tent
Inflatable Military Army Medical Tent Inflatable Military Army Medical Tent Inflatable Military Army Medical Tent Inflatable Military Army Medical Tent Inflatable Military Army Medical Tent

Inflatable Military Army Medical Tent

Product ID : DT004 from $2000
Product Attributes :

Inflatable Military Army Medical Tent

Rapid deployment tents and fast deployment.

Automatic gas supplement with our pump.

Ideal for camps, living and working space.

Product Description

Inflatable Military Army Medical Tent

infaltable command tent

Inflatable Rescue Tents

inflatable hospital medical tent

inflatable emergency shelter

inflatable hospital tent

inflatable medical tent

Our broad product portfolio encompasses small two-man tents through to large tents and halls for accommodation or as a base for running operations, hospitals, canteens, garages, stores, etc. Ease of handling, speed of assembly and universality in a wide range of situations are huge advantages.

If there is something we at XiangHuiHe understand, it is the adhesive bonding of inflatable constructions. The greatest advantage of the XiangHeuiHe inflatable glued tent range is durability and ease of handling. Attach a compressor and within a few minutes you will be protected from unpleasant weather of all kinds.

inflatable tents

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